Every year I make it to Artropolis...I am an art addict. I love creating art and I love looking and buying art. I love to see the new ideas and how artists choose to translate those ideas. I get sucked into dissecting the piece after I've enjoyed the thrill of the encounter.
This year was no exception. An interesting method which I'd seen before but not to these heights were the paintings on metal and then using a drummel to scratch out and sometimes painting back into it. Something a little different was the same method but they did this on canvas. I am posting a picture from Michel Laberjerie from Spain. She takes images from Dali and Picasso and recreates them with her interpretation. These were oil on canvas, and scratched out. I love the light hand with the lines. To me the dove looks as though it is talking and it's sound coming out of it's mouth.
This next image is Xenia Hausner titled "You and I''. It's a lithograph, hand worked from the Forum Gallery in New York. Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE the color in this and the loose painting approach.
I did enjoy the show...but there were those moments when my friends and I thought" How did they get into a gallery" "What is that about?" You know; the blank canvas with one line through it. I do understand that sometimes these are much harder to do than it looks, but if everyone or most everyone that looks at it and says " So what"...then I think the gallery needs to think twice.
I would recommend this show to everyone! Now I want to start a new piece!!!!