Now that the holidays are over we can all get back into the grind of things! It was a good time as I had my very good friends come for the New Year and we all ate and drank way too much. When ever we are together we laugh and have so much fun. I hated to see them board that plane!
My best friends are my best clients. They fell in love with my experimental fish so off to Richmond it went. Thank you for believing in me!
I'm yearning to paint again but
I have to put a post card together for 18 Artists that needs to be ready to go to the printer the first of February!!!
I love new beginnings and I guess I need to sit down and prioritize so I can scratch off the things I want to get accomplished.
--polish off my web sites
--finish my unfinished paintings
--draw for the sake of drawing more often
--keep experimenting
--take some courses in Chicago to get pumped up
--Do more gallery hopping
--Go to the cabin in Colorado for painting and check out Georgia O'Keefes old ranch.
18 Artists will be having a show April 3rd through May 1st at the
Cornerstone Gallery in Whiting, Indiana. I have to admit I have not even been there yet. I'm not sure if I've even been to Whiting, Indiana before! I plan to enter my abstract leaves that my trip to Italy inspired.
I am excited that we just juried in Lyn Olson into our group. He is an amazing pioneer of cement sculpture and just an amazing, interesting person. He's done sculptures at public sites around the country and has written books on his works.
Enough rambling....good luck putting your list of new beginnings together and sticking to it! It's like working out at the gym after new years...at first the gym is full of ambitious people who after the 3rd month totally disappear into smoke!