"I have wanted to do Art all my life. I have an incredibly busy life. I am hoping for solace. Art provides that to me. "
Ali Y., Vancouver, BC

Here is yet another quote I can relate to!
My first post after surgery. To all my friends who sent cards and flowers and goodies....thank you very much!!!
Staying in bed for a week and a half...two by the time I get my cast on...can get pretty tough in itself! Thursday I go to get a permanent cast on and then I still have to be off the foot for a month and a half...but at least I can use crutches to get to the computer as long as I keep the foot up. I am going through art withdrawls so today I plan to do a sketch while sitting in bed and use it as a post tomorrow. I MUST do something!!!
One nice thing about laying around it gives you time to think about things. So I am playing with the idea of (thinking of the mural) putting a large space on her tummy where you can see the universe...as though she is a part of the cosmos. I've decided that I do not like the flowers. Sheri found some sayings in a catalogue that I really liked and think I will work them into her hair and behind her by her feet.
"Courage, strength and hope possess my soul...I will stand firmly and without fear". by Goethe
"To the illuminated mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light" by Emerson
Having my good friend here who is also very creative (is a writer/author) inspires my thoughts.
Well, best go...now that I am recovering I hope to be able to get closer to normal and do more posts, etc. I am NOT a numbers person...but I have gotten pretty good at Saduko.
The picture I posted is a picture from a famous church I think..St. Catherines ? but not sure if I'm remembering it correctly...I'm not good at remembering names...but anyway as we were walking to the top of the church bell tower from the outside on these tiny steps we passed several connected towers that were blocked off..this one was but I thought it interesting..so this is my shot of what I thought was an artistic view....