Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Work on Progress

Here is a peak at the two pieces I am doing for you...or which ever one you want. Give me an idea about which one you are leaning to and the date you need me to mail this out by. I hope they are somewhat what you were looking for. The pineapple I have a ways to go on yet...the pineapple itself and the background.

SOFA Show of Chicago 2007

Yes, I know I'm late getting this out. I was getting ready for my son from Memphis coming up and now my dad, other son and his significant other..anyway....

The SOFA show was wonderful as always, but went on Saturday and it was CROWDED. I kept waiting to hear the sound of glass crashing and screams!

I'm posting two artists that I enjoyed. Red Welson Sandlin with his whimsy tea pots and Deb Fritts with two heads.