Monday, March 28, 2011

Street Performers from Around the World

Street performers from around the world...that will be the series I start on now.

I started a large canvas of a Pupeteer in Paris on a bridge over the Siene. His puppet which is a rocker is dressed like his master, and the Pupeteers hands are doing it's charm for his little friend.

I'll post what I've gotten done in a few days...when I can get the drawing and placement down.

Reflections of Coppenhagen-Update

I thought I was done with this and then decided I didn't like the sign as dark as it was so I lightened it. I likeit better lighter, but am having a hard time covering it with a consistent color. Maybe this is the drawback of acrylics. Also the other sign shows through and it was hard portraying that and having it look right.

Like I said...I'm just never done with a painting...there will always be something...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cawain of Paris

This is a picture of one of his paintings that someone on Facebook posted. Now you can see the comparisons of what I acquired several years back and what he's doing now..

Cawain of Paris

So here's an update to several older posts. Many people have been looking for Cawain of Paris and until now he had fallen off the earth.

On my Facebook Artist page someone notified me and sent me his site! I have posted it belowe.

I find it odd though the artist went through something that changed him because his work for me has changed a bit. Post a comment and let me know if you feel the same way.

I am posting a picture of his that I acquired in Paris several years ago..

Mahmud Cawian


Mahmud Cawian

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reflections of Coppenhagen-Update

I haven't been able to paint as much as I'd like, due to my shoulder again. I'm certain it's repetitive stress syndrome...but anyway.....
This painting has been fun and a different challenge for I keep finding different things that I didn't see before...such as...under the shelf up towards the top there is a scene of the countryside and the top of a building which is a reflection of the reflection of a building with windows reflecting the image. Also in the far left window someones light is lit and the shade is cockeyed. Also a reflection of another window above the man and a tree. Now the interesting thing is that there is also a door that is reflected on his head which I haven't painted yet.

So many little things in this painting....