It's been quite awhile since I've posted...So to catch you up to speed....I took the Puppet Master in to a shop to have them re-size the canvas. I kept fighting with that left side about how to handle it...and decided to lose the curtain and take off several inches. I pick that up later this week and then I can finish painting it.
I started another abstract...about dreams. I have yearned to return to the west...and I'm afraid I'll wind up dying in Indiana...mind you Indianas a nice place but my soul belongs in the west. So you can see...I've actually changed it since this picture...but like all my paintings...they slowly evolve.
I wound up working on the Three Flower Girls "Again"...but I am done now...
Started another turns out to be about water and as always in my abstracts organic growing things...I'm not sure I like it means I'll be working on it again....
I've been going to Life Drawing at the Art Barn on Wednesdays .
As always...the ups and downs of being an artist...sometimes I look at what I do and ask my self "Why Do I Do This?" In the end it's because I like the challenge....I have to create...I see visions in my head and wonder....and have a need to express it. Simply put.... So...I don't give up...I just keep plugging away...trying to do something out of my box...a little different for me.