My closest friend commented that she was writing down her goals so she could work on them throughout the year and mark them off. I'm posting some of mine with you so that everyone can see if I'm working on them or not!
I am going to do more experimenting and work on re-doing my approach. I would like to re-invent myself! I started this off by doing a lino cut for my friend as we always exchange home-made gifts. Her home-made gift was a beautiful shopping bag knit from blue and orange hemp, which I love! She always does over-the-top home made gifts because I think she is secretly related to Martha Stewart!!! Anyway... the lino cut was the first I'd done in 15 years and now I'm motivated to do more experimenting.
I am downloading some pieces that I am just experimenting with. Organic shapes.
When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.
~ Greg Anderson ~
how much are you charging for the bottom piece? i have two very interesetd parties here that would like to buy it!