Since last post I started a new painting of an unusual, wild red head that I am still working on. I'd post the progress but I'm in Chicago at Zanzibars coffee house. And as I said "progress" because I keep finding things wrong with it, and every painting is a painting in progress even when it's all done. At least for me.
I took a break from Valpo to spend three days with my daughter who lives in Chicago. Now on the 3rd day I am having lunch waiting for the Palette and Chisel to open so I can try out their long pose studies. I'm hoping it will all be as wonderful as I hope and I'll want to come back again. The Palette and Chisel is an Art Academy in a wonderfully old stone building on Dearborn St. It was founded I believe in the 1800s and has a very long history of rich stories.
I resigned from 18 Artists which I felt was not taking me where I wanted to go. I am determined not to get lost in apathy and venture into Chicago for more workshops and connections.
My daughter and I watched a movie last night with Leonard DeCaprio called Revolutionary Road. It was a little scary because somehow I related to it. That's how I feel about where we live.
One of my favorite Art Supply stores closed so I ventured over to Dick Blick which surprised me. I had a bad attitude about Dick Blick...because I remember the show as a child. I was never totally impressed with him....however I will say this new store on Kingsbury was very large and carried almost everything you could think of. Art Stores are like candy shops for me. I go crazy! It's like... "I want new toys!"
I like this piece, in particular your use of color!