Tonight I start my class at the Palette and Chisel on edges, color, etc. I don't look forward to getting home at 11 p.m., but I need the class. I hope I don't have any problems as I'm getting carpel tunnel from painting too much I guess...what else do I do??
I don't know what it is but I feel like I am losing progress instead of gaining it. I actually liked my drawings and thought they were much better about 20 years ago. At times I think I'll just throw in the towel.
But then I remind myself that this is my personal journey and I said I wouldn't give up. I won't be a quitter. I recently read a comment from an artist that I admire that she felt discouraged as well. If she can get through these moments of frustration and disappointment, then I can too.
The sketch is a sketch on a 30 minuet pose. yes, I see things here too that need to be worked on. I have no pride!
I must say....I'm not sure I'm a traditional artist...I'm starting to feel some rebellion from all the academics, or maybe it could be because I've always walked to a different beat than most people.
Just wait till you see what I've done with a painting I had. You will really understand the rebellion attitude when you see it. That'll be my next post.
See you then....
Keep drawing and painting!!!!