While on our trip to Denmark and Sweden my right arm that had been bothering me became much worse. Seems I have overused my arm and neglected it (from painting and computer) and now I'm in a full blown frozen shoulder AGAIN! If your arm starts to bother you...stop and listen...slow down and work with a break every hour or so.
I would stand in front of an easel for hours. You know how it is...when you are working you are transcended to another place where time does not exist. Many times I have started in my studio and been SHOCKED to see that I had been in there from morning to sunset and totally unaware of time.
It started at the beginning of the year. First the elbow felt bruised...no big deal...
several months later...the shoulder...I noticed that when I elevated the arm to draw or paint I had a pain like in the bicep muscle.
More months it spread to the entire arm. So here I am. I can't post too much or it'll start killing me again. I've had the shots and now therapy.
Artists, beware...be careful, and listen to your body.
The image is from a painting I saw in Stockholm. You can faintly see the girl standing there...as if she were a ghost. She's there but not committed to the space. It's like the environment around her was more real than she. I thought it a little eerie.
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