A new year...new hopes. I once again make the same resolutions as I usually do....paint more and get things done. I'll try not to let life get in the way.
I bought the Artists Way on cultivating your creative being which now lays next to my bedside and it seems I can only get 3 pages read at a time because my eyes feel so heavy every time I read.
I started working on things that bothered me about my house. Much needed up-dating and re-doing. I am a creative being and it doesn't stop with just paint. My house, my life is a canvas and I work on every aspect of my creative life. However I struggle with those as I do with my paintings. Just yesterday I found a color I LOVED and started painting in my dining room to discover it cheapened the room and just wasn't right. Color is a very complicated thing. Some days I feel like I just can't do anything right. That's why I ride high when things are flowing! We all have to take advantage of the good energy flow because they don't last forever!!!
I worked more on my fish...never feeling satisfied with it....got to the point I said "screw it" and just started mindlessly painting. It's now laying on the floor in the studio to be reckoned with another time. I'll post a picture of my mindless ramblings on it. That fish has NEVER been right. This picture just feels wrong. See I post my failures too...I'm not proud...
I also started a painting of a bike I saw in Key West. Trying to keep with my feeling of a warm hot day I decided to keep it warm and tropical looking...so this is my new project. I have no idea how it will end up. I always say I'm not going to get into detail and I always wind up getting head long deep into it. I must succumb to the fact that it's my nature. We are always wanting to be something we are not I guess.
Studio 659 in Whiting was looking for Mardi- Gras material for their recent show and was interested in "Crazy Red Head", so that will be hanging there for I assume the month of February. I take that over January 27th. I have never seen this gallery before so it'll be a new adventure.
Next week I plan to drive to Fort Wayne to see "Jazz Lady" hanging at the FWMoa (Fort Wayne Museum of Art) as the show comes down in February and I haven't seen it hung yet! Bad me.
Went to the Brauer Museum of Art in Valparaiso at the University. There hung a collection of Robert Lovings pieces which I very much enjoyed. Do check out his recent works! Loved, loved his work. I'll try and post some of his images if I can.
The image with the birds nest is a painting titled "In a Budding Grove, 2008" oil on canvas, collection of the Artist (Richard Loving) which is hanging at the Brauer Museum of Art.
That bike is very neat, don't screw it up! You can continue to work on it but be careful.