Went to life drawing at the Art Barn last week. I thoroughly enjoy the process. Still need to practice getting it right the first time. At home I have the luxury of working on a drawing..whereas at Life Drawing you have 5minuets-10min.-15min.-30min.and an hour for each drawing and you'd better get it right or it's just forever wrong. I'm not use to working that fast...I'm not aiming for a pretty picture..I do it for study..When I get home and look at these I see things wrong..that I couldn't see at the time I'm trying to capture what I'm looking at. At the Palette and Chisel in Chicago it's nice because you have the model for several hours..so you can walk away and come back to get a better perspective as to where you are with it. I like posting things that aren't perfect..because I think it helps people that are just starting out. I've seen quick sketches by the masters that weren't perfect...and when I see that...it makes me feel better. Like...it's alright to make mistakes. It's all a journey....

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