Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I was tagged by "Simply Olive"

My friends Sheri & Tracy from "Simply Olive" tagged me. It's a game where you have to post 8 facts about yourself and then tag someone else. so here it goes!
1. I am an ex-military brat.
2. I am a conservative liberal
3. I am an artist in waiting
4. I have three grown kids
5. I use to be a docent in Memphis
6. I talk fast,walk fast, think fast (sometimes?!@)
7. I love ex centric people;they stimulate me.
8. I am the ying to my husbands yang, which means I would be living on the edge if my husband
wasn't so conservative!
The picture is me at a night club celebrating my daughters friends 21st birthday at a club. Got home at 1:30am. Not bad for a 53 year old! I'm on the far left, my daughter is in the middle and Nickis mom is on the right.
I am now tagging "Figures and More" Karin Eisermann!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Jim Waid

Today I am going to feature an artist that I first fell in love with in Las Vegas. His painting was hanging in the reception area of the Bellagio and I just couldn't take my eyes off the painting! It is representational yet abstract and the colors are bold and powerful!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Recently I returned from a trip to Colorado. We have a cabin up around Ft. Garland. It lies in the old Spanish Land Grant that Malcolm Forbes bought. Riding from Taos, New Mexico back to the cabin we saw the most incredible sky and being inspired as I was I had my daughter take a picture of the clouds through the car window.
I immediately thought of Georgia O'Keeffe painting called "Clouds" which is above and my photo below. Sometimes it is the simple things in life that moves and inspires, but it's up to us to be brave enough to translate it the way we feel.