Tuesday, August 26, 2008


"What still concerns me the most is: am I on the right track, am I making progress, am I making mistakes in art? Such things as the materials, and care in the actual process of painting, and even of preparing the canvas, are the least important. They can always be fixed up, can't they? Whereas art -- oh, it's a very awkward and a very awesome thing to go into deeply. "
~Paul Gauguin


  1. What I like about Gauguin is that he dumped his wife with 5 kids to go live the good life. Then he wrote to complain how tough things were. You've got to admire unconscious self centeredness of this magnitude.

  2. this is such a torturous quote, but so true of all of us who try to create, it is really nothing but that doubt, and worry, and then creation, and then the cycle begins again...
