Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Study from My Portrait Class

I thought I posted this. This is a study I did from the Portrait Class I took in Chicago with Bill Schneider. The original was done by Sargent.
I will write more about his method...and why I got lost in the dots but I just got back from being on vacation for a week in Belize Scuba diving.
The paintings from the actual models I have to finish. As soon as I do after getting re aclimated from everything I will post them.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Portrait class at the Palette and Chisel

I must say I had such a fantastic time at William Schniders portrait class at the Palette and Chisel. It was an intense 4 days but I learned so much! Now to put the principles in action. I had a terrible time trying to do the measuring system. Easy to do, but when I had to translate it...I got lost in the dots. I had to resist the temptation to just draw it. It was like doing math homework for me and math was never my subject!

The first 2 days we copied masters works and then the following two days we had to paint a live model. This was a total first as I usually paint from photographs that don't move and I am also a solitude painter meaning when I paint I don't want anyone around me and I want to be totally alone listening to music. I don't like painting around people I guess because I don't want to feel like I'm being judged. Let me do my thing at my own time with no rushing to get through.

I am my happiest when I am painting and I so much enjoyed this class. I am anxious to sign up for another class when I get back from Belize!

I'm going to post some pictures of class, Bill Schneider doing his demonstration on a live model and then the Palette and Chisel. I love that building with all it's history!!

I met some very nice wonderful people in class that I hope I run into again.
Oh! Also I bought the demo piece as a suvenier of the class.

Tomorrow I'll post what I did in class and what I didn't get to finish and I won't post the ones that didn't turn out at all!!!! LOL

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Up-date on the Red Head

My very good friend who lives in Richmond asked me today what I've been doing. I tell her "working on the red head". She wants to see progress so here it is Sheri. You probably won't see much of a difference..but I've moved the eyes and the nose and I've re-done her face more times than I can count, AND, I'm still working on it!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Palette and Chisel Academy of Arts

Yesterday before returning home from Chicago I went to the Palette and Chisel for the first time to take part in their 3 hour long pose study session. Everyone was very nice and the gentleman running that session was a cute older man with a jolly little smile. The other artists set up their easils to paint the subject and I set up a drawing horse to draw since I was there to get a feel how the sessions woud go.

The Palette and Chesil in Chicago was founded in 1895 and is the oldest art organization in the United States.

The founding members were principally evening students at the Art Institute of Chicago. Charles J. Mulligan, an assistant to sculptor Lorado Taft, was able to persuade Taft to rent the organization part of his seventh floor studio on Van Buren Street in Chicago.

The Palette & Chisel served as the artistic home of James Topping Walter Ufer, and Eugene Savage.In 1921, with the help of founding member, Fred Larson, who mortgaged his home for this purpose, the club purchased the mansion at 1012 N. Dearborn Street where it still resides. In 1933, the organization changed its name to the "Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Art", as it became an educational, not-for-profit institution.

Some early members of note included:

Needless to say I plan to go back and eventually join the organization which will allow me to use the facility at will. they also have sculpting classes which interest me greatly!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Quote of the Day

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. Brian Tracy

Went on Facebook and a good friend of mine posted this. Somehow I think it fits! Things happen for a reason!! Thanks Michelle.

Days Off

Since last post I started a new painting of an unusual, wild red head that I am still working on. I'd post the progress but I'm in Chicago at Zanzibars coffee house. And as I said "progress" because I keep finding things wrong with it, and every painting is a painting in progress even when it's all done. At least for me.
I took a break from Valpo to spend three days with my daughter who lives in Chicago. Now on the 3rd day I am having lunch waiting for the Palette and Chisel to open so I can try out their long pose studies. I'm hoping it will all be as wonderful as I hope and I'll want to come back again. The Palette and Chisel is an Art Academy in a wonderfully old stone building on Dearborn St. It was founded I believe in the 1800s and has a very long history of rich stories.
I resigned from 18 Artists which I felt was not taking me where I wanted to go. I am determined not to get lost in apathy and venture into Chicago for more workshops and connections.
My daughter and I watched a movie last night with Leonard DeCaprio called Revolutionary Road. It was a little scary because somehow I related to it. That's how I feel about where we live.
One of my favorite Art Supply stores closed so I ventured over to Dick Blick which surprised me. I had a bad attitude about Dick Blick...because I remember the show as a child. I was never totally impressed with him....however I will say this new store on Kingsbury was very large and carried almost everything you could think of. Art Stores are like candy shops for me. I go crazy! It's like... "I want new toys!"