Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Portrait class at the Palette and Chisel

I must say I had such a fantastic time at William Schniders portrait class at the Palette and Chisel. It was an intense 4 days but I learned so much! Now to put the principles in action. I had a terrible time trying to do the measuring system. Easy to do, but when I had to translate it...I got lost in the dots. I had to resist the temptation to just draw it. It was like doing math homework for me and math was never my subject!

The first 2 days we copied masters works and then the following two days we had to paint a live model. This was a total first as I usually paint from photographs that don't move and I am also a solitude painter meaning when I paint I don't want anyone around me and I want to be totally alone listening to music. I don't like painting around people I guess because I don't want to feel like I'm being judged. Let me do my thing at my own time with no rushing to get through.

I am my happiest when I am painting and I so much enjoyed this class. I am anxious to sign up for another class when I get back from Belize!

I'm going to post some pictures of class, Bill Schneider doing his demonstration on a live model and then the Palette and Chisel. I love that building with all it's history!!

I met some very nice wonderful people in class that I hope I run into again.
Oh! Also I bought the demo piece as a suvenier of the class.

Tomorrow I'll post what I did in class and what I didn't get to finish and I won't post the ones that didn't turn out at all!!!! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Hurry up and paint something so we can see what you learned. What is the dot measuring business you mentioned?
