Monday, June 9, 2014

Two , "BEST OF SHOW" Awards for Water Lillies!

I'm feeling blessed right now.  I'm going to enjoy this as it may not come my way again, but won two "Best Of Show" awards, one in May the other in June, and both for different water lillie paintings.

As most all artists, we put our blood, sweat and tears into our paintings...taking months and sometimes years to complete the work, so when an award comes by and you feel someone noticed that hard work, it feels good!

I admit I feel a little uneasy at these receptions as there are always so many other works that are  equally worthy of receiving the award.

For today....I'll just soak it in!  God is Good!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Done! Moving On

I'm done...and moving on to another painting that was half way done sitting in my studio like a lot of other canvases.  This is the year to get them completed and move forward...I'm tired of the weight hanging on my neck...

I've been busy traveling so it's hard to stay in the studio and get things done....

I wish you all happiness...and a sunny spring!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Water Lillies #3 In Progress

I told myself I would do three water lillie paintings so I am now working on the third one.  This is still in the building process.  Some lillies towards the bottom have to be corrected.  I don't always see my mistakes right away....there is only so much one can focus on at a time....and working for me is "a little here....a little there".

After this my husband is really riding me about finishing paintings that are "almost" done...but not done enough to I guess like a little kid I'll reluctantly finish them.  I think it's artist block....I LOVE starting them....and the tedious boring part is the technical part which I don't like.  I love the excitement of the beginning....

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lilly Pads

Happy New Year to all!  Now we are going to be entering the time of year where we hibernate up North due to freezing temperatures.  This is my time of year where I hibernate mostly in the studio, painting and getting through the Winter doldrums.

I just completed 2 paintings and now working on a third of Lilly Pads.  I was first inspired on a trip to Tampa, Florida with my husband on business.  The hotel had a beautiful Lilly pond, and as we were leaving as the sun was setting  and I took a photo.  Years later I accompanied my two friends on a plein air painting exhibition in Ohio, visiting a large lake with many Lilly pads.  I was seduced by their long necks and graceful flowers and once again began snapping photos.

As always I will post the finished paintings...but I usually am endlessly seeing things that need to be touched up or changed.  I sometimes wonder if it's the acrylics I they always seem to dry darker...or else it could be that my eyes are clouding with cataracts that need my attention!