Sunday, September 22, 2024

Catching Up on unposted paintings!

This year in August 2024 I won First Place with "Petals and Spheres" which hung at the Memphis Botanical Gardens.  The painting was from a glass of flowers in a small glass that had marbles on the bottom of the glass.  I was taken by the reflections of the marbles in the water and the colors.  It was an honor to win First Place since there were so many amazing talented pieces in the show.

Earlier I did the painting of the little Mexican Boy which was donated for "Good Grief" counseling through Baptist hospitals.  The photo was taken in the jungles of Mexico during a small villages celebration of Cinco de Mayo.  I titled it "Daddy's little Patriot".

The painting of the girl...nature goddess...has been constantly evolving since I've never done with it.  I had nothing to look at so just kept adding and changing things....Anyone that knows me knows that "I am never done!".

Lastly a painting which is still in progress...close to being done but still to there are always new ideas I am working on. 

I'm having trouble composing the composition of these please excuse how they are placed..😱



Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 This little piece which is 10x10 is donated to a charitable cause.  Good Grief which about grief counseling.  It will be auctioned off at the Memphis Children's Museum in April.

On The Easel

 This is one of my pieces I am trying to you can see I've gone from having the blue in the background to painting it out....Now I am thinking about putting a subtle texture in the background as it's just a little too stark I feel....It's a process...before you feel like you can let it go..

It's interesting how different areas of the country are so different than others.  All good...just different.

I currently am a member of Artist Link and Memphis, Germantown Arts League.  I am very excited that the painting on the left titled "The Shape of Things" was accepted in my first juried show since being here.  The competition here is fierce!

This painting I did about a. year or two after moving here..but as you know....I'm never done with a painting...and wound up reworking it.  This painting is a 48" length and 36" wide on a wrap around canvas.

Monday, January 30, 2023

 Oh!  It's been a. Longggggg time since I've posted and you probably wondered if I was still painting. 

Since husband retired and we moved south to Germantown, Tennessee and have been renovating an old home which consumed my time ....along with Rons appetite to travel.

So here are a few pieces I've been working on..more later!

The above is a 10x10 done for a charitable auction...the poppies are acrylic on. paper and as you. can tell by the photo it's not framed yet so is bent on the bottom.  I have others still too raw to show.  Someone how I am fixated with flowers right now...

Monday, June 13, 2016


I repainted Honduran Beauty as the background was too static for me...and brightened the bird.

 I will have entered these two paintings for the Valparaiso Pop Up Show in Valparaiso, Indiana July 7-17.  The show is set up that during that week people will walk around to different businesses, such as restaurants, galleries and coffee shops, all with in the same area.  The people then  vote on their favorite piece of art work either in person or on line.  You may also look at all the paintings that will be on display on line.
Honduran Beauty is 30x40 and will be hanging at the White Key Gallery on Lincolnway.  The painting belowe which is a mixed media called Creative Process will be hanging at the Organic Roots Cafe also on Lincolnway.
Please try and make it the show that week as there are lots of other activities planned which will be a lot of fun.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Honduran Beauty

Wow,  Whats happening...two posts now!

I just finished up with this one as well.  This is very large as 40x30inches ,done in acrylic.

Our good friends were with us in Honduras for diving.  We stayed at this Spa/home that rented rooms, and it was a wonderful place to stay.  We had to take a boat to the house coming and going as the house sat on it's own little island.  The couple who owned the home/spa/bed and breakfast had several exotic birds around the house.  Our good friend Jim got up one morning and walked around and fouond this beauty looking down on him.  Thank you Jim!

I think it's done...however I'm wanting to play with a shinny for me it was about the light...the sun....and I'd like it to be more intense...

Barcelona Blooming

It's been awhile since I've been on apologies...LIFE!  We can always blame it on life...

This painting is hanging at White Key Gallery on Lincolnway in Valparaiso, Indiana.

The painting was done from a shot I took in Barcelona Spain in Guell Park.  It's a large canvas...done with acrylic on a wrap around canvas.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Meditation Series

It's been awhile since I've posted.  I guess I've been in hibernation.  You could even say a coma.  I checked my regular website and found 20 messages!  Oops!

Since the last post I had 6 images accepted for the Contemporary Artists Book which will be distributed to galleries internationally.  I believe it comes out in May.

I've been working on three pieces that I feel say something about my journey into hibernation.  I'll post some pictures but only one I feel is done...however if you know me, I'm never done, which is funny because since the photo I'll use to post I've already done some more changes! lol

The one piece is about nature and came about from a vision I'd had for quite awhile.  It's altered from the original version in my head, but like I say...paintings are alive...they possess their own lives and identity.  You cannot force them...intuitively they go their own way...not mine.

The second piece I also am still working's about meditation...and the connection between God and man and finding that connection.  Sometimes we have to die to our old ways to grow.  So some people will assume she's dead..(which would be dying to her old ways of thinking) or she's alive and in deep meditation.Viewers can decide, and of course the lotus blossom which has so much meaning. I also put strips of papers with meditation sayings from different religions.  The symbols at the top I learned from my trip to Barcelona, Spain and touring the Segrada Familia by Gaudi.  I was so moved entering that church...and on the outside there was a symbol I somehow knew what it meant.  Above as below.

The third one I'm working on is motivated by a few things.  A great dream I had and also another artist who has long been gone called Alma Rumbal.  The piece also was about meditation and is full of symbolism that probably most people won't pick up, but will be fine as long it looks like a dream.

Exotic Nature
The symbols in Sagrada Familia

Deep Meditation

Meditation and Dreams-The Awakening....This painting is also still in progress

Monday, June 9, 2014

Two , "BEST OF SHOW" Awards for Water Lillies!

I'm feeling blessed right now.  I'm going to enjoy this as it may not come my way again, but won two "Best Of Show" awards, one in May the other in June, and both for different water lillie paintings.

As most all artists, we put our blood, sweat and tears into our paintings...taking months and sometimes years to complete the work, so when an award comes by and you feel someone noticed that hard work, it feels good!

I admit I feel a little uneasy at these receptions as there are always so many other works that are  equally worthy of receiving the award.

For today....I'll just soak it in!  God is Good!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Done! Moving On

I'm done...and moving on to another painting that was half way done sitting in my studio like a lot of other canvases.  This is the year to get them completed and move forward...I'm tired of the weight hanging on my neck...

I've been busy traveling so it's hard to stay in the studio and get things done....

I wish you all happiness...and a sunny spring!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Water Lillies #3 In Progress

I told myself I would do three water lillie paintings so I am now working on the third one.  This is still in the building process.  Some lillies towards the bottom have to be corrected.  I don't always see my mistakes right away....there is only so much one can focus on at a time....and working for me is "a little here....a little there".

After this my husband is really riding me about finishing paintings that are "almost" done...but not done enough to I guess like a little kid I'll reluctantly finish them.  I think it's artist block....I LOVE starting them....and the tedious boring part is the technical part which I don't like.  I love the excitement of the beginning....

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lilly Pads

Happy New Year to all!  Now we are going to be entering the time of year where we hibernate up North due to freezing temperatures.  This is my time of year where I hibernate mostly in the studio, painting and getting through the Winter doldrums.

I just completed 2 paintings and now working on a third of Lilly Pads.  I was first inspired on a trip to Tampa, Florida with my husband on business.  The hotel had a beautiful Lilly pond, and as we were leaving as the sun was setting  and I took a photo.  Years later I accompanied my two friends on a plein air painting exhibition in Ohio, visiting a large lake with many Lilly pads.  I was seduced by their long necks and graceful flowers and once again began snapping photos.

As always I will post the finished paintings...but I usually am endlessly seeing things that need to be touched up or changed.  I sometimes wonder if it's the acrylics I they always seem to dry darker...or else it could be that my eyes are clouding with cataracts that need my attention!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Michigan City LakeSide Arts Festival Aug. 2013

I was asked to participate in the Michigan City LakeSide Arts Fair this year through Southern Shores ARt Gallery in Michigan City.  This was something I'd looked at since I had requests to participate in the past but after looking into I determined that I would have to invest in at least $2000.00 to do it correctly.  Not something I wanted to do.  So when SSA asked and said they had the equipment I felt it was a great opportunity for me to tip my feet in the water!

I loved seeing everyone and talking to people at the fair.  But....NO SALES!  I would have somewhat expected that as my art is not 100% mainstream. was a very good experience...and now I know.

In getting ready for the fair I pulled out old studies I'd done and tried to rework them...Here's one that I have never been crazy about, but started it because I'd never done anything like it.  The building is a building on the grounds of the Piti Palace in Florence....I added the girl from an old masters painting...

Wow! A Whole Year Since I've Posted!!! OMG!

Well, I can only say....LIFE got in the way!  Lol

I'll have to just give you tidbits of the year.  Just recently I finished a commission piece of Ludwig.  Ludwig's home is Hedgeapple Farm.  This is a beautiful farm that I take my "Hollie Girl" (GoldenDoodle) to be cared for when I have to travel.  The owner Susanne has a White German Shepard named "Ludwig".  So here is a painting of Ludwig!
 Now I will show you my Hollie Girl belowe!

Monday, September 24, 2012

More Artist Trading Cards done

Two more cards added to the the pile.  We are getting closer to being done..and that is a good thing.  I have several paintings that are begging to be completed.  My progress is always so slow.  I need more time...or I need to have the money to hire someone to clean the house, do the chores and run the errands...and then to cut myself in half so the other half can do the traveling with my husband....

On the Owl I added cold micca in the sunlight his eyes's kind of fun.  Doing the small cards like this give me an opportunity to try out the tons of new mediums, paints, etc that I accumulate like a child in a candy store!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Artist Trading Cards

I accepted the challenge.  30 Artists- 30 Days.  On Facebook someone threw out a challenge and the first 30 artists who accepted were in.  So I went for it.  We do an Artist Trading card every day for 30 days and then we will meet at the Box Factory Gallery in Michigan on Oct. 27th to trade the cards.

Unfortunately I won't be able to trade...and hopefully I can find someone to mail my cards to and swap for me.

It was challenging doing these tiny 2.5 x 3.5 cards.  However I found it great for doing studies.

Here is what I have so far:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Determined-Personal-Prove It To Myself Paintings

 I took a class from a visiting artist here in our area.  She was pretty well known.  To make a long story short...It wasn't a real positive experience for me.  Actually it was quite painful.  I was left feeling like I was unable to do anything.  But I'll say it was more a personal learning experience than anything.

She had these  black and white photos on the table that were somewhat abstracted...(the intense contrast was zoomed)...but me....I had to find every little detail in them I could.  I now know that's just how I am.  I accept that.  I actually have another one that I haven't even worked on yet.  These, even though they were suppose to be quick and done in class quickly, came home with me for detail...I am DETERMINED THAT I WILL GET IT RIGHT!  Everyone else in the class was able to finish a good looking painting quickly.  I realize ...for me it's a process of layering and correcting.  I don't have the ability to get it perfect the first time around.

The top one after working on it more at home I came to the realization it was just plain boring...who cares if a girl is standing there staring into space...looking beyond a painting at the I changed it up and tried to make it "odd".  I'm hoping you ask yourself if she's leaving an office and that is a window with someone working...or it a it a doorway...or a mirror...why is the room off kilter???? The painting may not ever work...but it was a personal challenge to do what I could with it.

The other one is the same way...these are things that will never ever sell...but I'm determined to do the best I can with them.  The second one is a group from out west..Aaron Kayce...Goldest Egg...I'm still working on getting the faces right.  I want this to be very contemporary in the end.  I see music notes with the hands and feet...and when I'm done I hope that comes through....I'll post it when I'm closer to being done....

Commission Gone Wrong

O.K., So I get a request for a commission.  Sounds good!?????
It'll be fairly easy....they have a photo they want me to do...but just change the colors to very bright colors to make it more problem!

So....I do it...but it needs to be more abstract they I try to simplify it and abstract the forms...then I get a totally different picture to do.  Also sent examples of what they wanted which wasn't my style at all.  All this after I ordered a $65.00 frame to put this on.  Needless to say I had no contract because I knew this individual.  

Long story short....I now have this painting on a $65.00 wrap around canvas that I will probably need to just paint over.
During all this I started another Bird Of Paradise that I liked...and did it MY way....and I have had a way better response to it. was not all bad.
The painting on the left is the one I did during the time I was working on the commissioned piece on the right.  I have since made a few changes to  this photo.  
Life is a Journey as I say...learn...learn...

Went to life drawing at the Art Barn last week.  I thoroughly enjoy the  process.  Still need to practice getting it right the first time.  At home I have the luxury of working on a drawing..whereas at Life Drawing you have 5minuets-10min.-15min.-30min.and an hour for each drawing and you'd better get it right or it's just forever wrong.  I'm not use to working that fast...I'm not aiming for a pretty picture..I do it for study..When I get home and look at these I see things wrong..that I couldn't see at the time I'm trying to capture what I'm looking at.  At the Palette and Chisel in Chicago it's nice because you have the model for several you can walk away and come back to get a better perspective as to where you are with it.  I like posting things that aren't perfect..because I think it helps people that are just starting out.  I've seen quick sketches by the masters that weren't perfect...and when I see makes me feel better.'s alright to make mistakes.  It's all a journey....

Monday, July 23, 2012

Artists Need to Stay Humble

I am an artist that feels passionately about art.  Therefor I not only paint but I also purchase other artists work.  I have several large paintings I have paid a pretty penny for...and I have some smaller pieces around 14 that I have purchased on line.  This article is for artists that ship out their work from the perspective of the buyer.

So this past week end I purchased two more small pieces.  They both arrived at the same time.  The first one was from a male artist who sent his work with a brochure on his work.  No personal note.  When I purchased his painting I had asked that he send me his bio with the painting.  His reply was simply "go to my website and print it out".

The second painting I received with the most gracious note thanking me for supporting her and her work.  She eagerly with no questions complied with inserting her bio with the painting. This artist has sold over 1000 paintings on line ...more are hanging in major institutions and collections...and yet she humbles herself realizing that if it weren't for people purchasing her art...she would not be able to continue painting.  I am seriously considering buyer her larger pieces now!

The male artist had his accolades of being printed up in this magazine and having his awards which was pretty substantial...but he left me feeling like I should be so thankful to have bought one of his I am not inclined to purchase any of his big works.

Lesson to be learned here:  Be gracious and humble and appreciate who keeps you in business...and if you are gracious....the buyer is more inclined to purchase your bigger works.  The buyer wants to like the artist as much as love the painting.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pieces for Charity

My daughter who has moved and is now involved with her local parish is throwing a fund raiser..a silent auction.  So of course she called me and asked me to do a painting of Saint Francis for the auction.  So I say...of course.  I went online to photos of old paintings that were marked alright to copy.  I chose this one.  However it is changed from the original quite a bit.  I'm thinking "Oh no big deal...a piece I won't have to worry about...well..I started slapping paint thinking it's a small big deal.  I normally do a good drawing at first...with this I carelessly started without a drawing and it was CRAZY!!! I can't begin to tell you the layers of mistakes under all this paint.  The simple painting turned out to be a nightmare.  The face still isn't quite right..but close enough for an auction.  I plan to lighten the top a little..add a border (that's why the tape is on the bottom)...paint the sides and be done with it...other than going through the shadows with some low lights...and now I see lightening the hair in spots.

The painting behind the auction one is changing direction as well.  Now I am going in the direction of basing it on a poem my mother taught me about my name by Paul Lawrence Dunbar.

An Angel  robed in spotless white,
bent down to kiss the sleeping night.

Night woke to blush,
the sprite was gone.

Men saw the blush
and called it

So, you can see it's on a journey.  I plan to put the poem on a very sheer fabric I bought in a paper store...write it in a spiral and place it over the night part of the painting.  Then I will paint a sleeping night that is barely visible towards the bottom.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Latest work

It's been quite awhile since I've posted...So to catch you up to speed....I took the Puppet Master in to a shop to have them re-size the canvas.  I kept fighting with that left side about how to handle it...and decided to lose the curtain and take off several inches.  I pick that up later this week and then I can finish painting it.

I started another abstract...about dreams.  I have yearned to return to the west...and I'm afraid I'll wind up dying in Indiana...mind you Indianas a nice place but my soul belongs in the west.  So you can see...I've actually changed it since this picture...but like all my paintings...they slowly evolve.

I wound up working on the Three Flower Girls "Again"...but I am done now...

Started another turns out to be about water and as always in my abstracts organic growing things...I'm not sure I like it means I'll be working on it again....

I've been going to Life Drawing at the Art Barn on Wednesdays .

As always...the ups and downs of being an artist...sometimes I look at what I do and ask my self "Why Do I Do This?"  In the end it's because I like the challenge....I have to create...I see visions in my head and wonder....and have a need to express it.  Simply put....   So...I don't give up...I just keep plugging away...trying to do something out of my box...a little different for me.