Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I love the holidays. We look forward to the first snow fall and fantasize about that wintery wonderland Christmas. After Thanksgiving I anxiously put up all the decorations in eager anticipation of joy and good will. By the time we reach New Years I am more than ready after disillusionment and let down. When will we learn not to count on fantasy of the PERFECT life during the holidays?
My ritual every New Years eve is to take all the decorations down so that I can once again anxiously await a new year with a new beginning and brace myself for the dull drums of the winter without lights and festivities and face the realities.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Visions of my Christmas around the house

"Merry Christmas" to those who come to this site!
These are pictures from around the house.
Yes, some of my ornaments are strange looking...but I LOVE the unusual!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My oldest son Scott and his significant other came for Thanksgiving. My daughter is standing behind the chair and her daughter Kenzie is in the front.

Fran Larson

1937 Born in Chicago, Illinois.

Mediums Used: Watercolor and acrylic.

B.A. Michigan State University

Springfield Art Museum, Sringfield, MO.
Republic of China-USA-Australia Watermedia Exhibition, Taiwan.
Butler Institute of American Art.
Images of Ranchos, Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Work on Progress

Here is a peak at the two pieces I am doing for you...or which ever one you want. Give me an idea about which one you are leaning to and the date you need me to mail this out by. I hope they are somewhat what you were looking for. The pineapple I have a ways to go on yet...the pineapple itself and the background.

SOFA Show of Chicago 2007

Yes, I know I'm late getting this out. I was getting ready for my son from Memphis coming up and now my dad, other son and his significant other..anyway....

The SOFA show was wonderful as always, but went on Saturday and it was CROWDED. I kept waiting to hear the sound of glass crashing and screams!

I'm posting two artists that I enjoyed. Red Welson Sandlin with his whimsy tea pots and Deb Fritts with two heads.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

Note the video on the left will have some horoscopes for you!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ernst Hahaeckel

While shopping at Anthropology I found this book on Ernst Haeckel and thought his forms were beautiful. Ernst Haeckel was a biologist who lived in the 1800s and studied single celled organisms.

His work has turned into Art Forms of Nature.

I think we always don't have to go too far to find something to paint!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Life Immitates Art

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How I see Art

O.k. It has been awhile since I've posted on my blog. I wanted to download some pictures with an explanation or sermon about art, but the posting of pictures is unavailable right now....soooooo; that means I talk about art even though I don't have pictures!

I had a glass of wine so I'm feeling free.. had a stressful day...so I wanted to say that while in Paris I took some pictures of street people; doing their art. One girl was singing jazz and was dressed for the part just perfect with her dress and shades! It was very cool and classy....the other guy was a puppeteer which I thoroughly enjoyed and was really into it.

My feeling is this beyond the obvious....I think life is an art...we are art...how we appear and act to other people is an art form. I always admired people that were flamboyant because they made a statement about how they wanted to project themselves. That they wanted to SAY SOMETHING. I myself have always wanted to break out of conformity never quite getting there...just like my paintings. (interesting)! Maybe I am physco analyzing??!!@#$% Isn't art an expression? It doesn't always have to be on canvas , clay or sculpture.

I see art everywhere. In people, places and things. So this will be evident in this blog.
I guess I had to say all that in explaining why I'm putting these pictures on this site!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Louvre (Paris, France)

This is the exit or entrance to the Louvre. Very sleek! The painting belowe
I thought was very sensual, magical or mystical. Think she's casting a love spell on him??????

My first trip to the Louvre and I was blown away. I loved the Renaissance look with the ultra modern. Kind of like the yin and yang. Opposites that compliment.

One of my favorite paintings was "The Young Martyr" by Paul Delaroche 1855 oil.

On our way going to the Louvre on the backside was this young maiden tucked away in a corner by herself
playing the flute. The sound was so enchanting you could imagine yourself back in the days when it must have been an everyday scene!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cawain from Paris, France

After sight seeing we walked down a street and came upon some street artists. By far this artist I felt was sooo awesome! He paints with acrylics on newspaper or magazine sheets allowing parts of the page to show through. I was a little worried as to the archival qualities of this but he assured me it was.
You really had to actually see these paintings in person to appreciate the broken up strokes that he used. I wanted to buy one but at 500 euros which translated to 800USD I wasn't prepared. I was so disappointed not to go home with one. I did e-mail the artist and asked him if he had a sight. If he gets back with me I'll let you know. Another fabulous find!

This is called "Carnaval" 43 x 58 Acrylique sur papier
Me chedking out his paintings in Paris, France 09-07

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sandra Murrays Designs from Scotland!

Home again, home again and back in the grind!
Eager to share some new artists I've met and share some pictures!
After flying into Paris and checking into the La Grand Hotel Ron and I ventured out to a small Cafe' for some nourishment and met a delightful couple Sandy and Duncan. Sandy it turned out is a fashion designer from Scotland and was in Paris to find new fabrics. I was totally blown away by her designs so want to share them with you.

Her web site is www.sandramurray.co.uk

I'll have more artists to share with you tomorrow!

Shift your perspective today to recognize every experience as something of value -- an opportunity for growth, a lesson learned or a chance to move in a new direction. Look for the opportunity.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Last Post before my trip!

Leaving Friday for Paris and Brussels so this will be the last post until September 24th.
I am posting another picture of the painting I'm working on. I can work for hours and you probably won't notice the difference....and there are so many more hours to go!
an you tell what it is yet?????? If not don't worry....It's early on!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Studio

I thought I'd give you a peek into my messy studio and give you a look at the beginnings of my current painting which I was hoping to make more abstract, but as I said it's not an easy thing for me to not paint what I see, so it appears it won't be too abstract. I'm always working against myself it seems. I'll show you the progression as I go along. It'll be awhile before I post again about the painting because my husband and I are going to Paris and Brussels for 9 days. Hopefully I'll get some more inspirations from the trip.

My studio looks more like a library doesn't it? It's all art books and art magazines and pictures of things I love like the Klimt picture taped up on the cupboard.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

"All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to deprecate imagination." ~ Carl Jung

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Here It Is!

I'm Done! I feel there is still an element missing on this but I am giving it up and moving forward. I'm taking it to the Crown Point Show tomorrow.

I'm going to start on an abstract type nature picture which was inspired by Jim Waid whom I'd featured below today or tomorrow. When I'm done with that (good or bad) I will post it.
The next picture will have to be figurative as I can't go too long without doing one.

I'm trying to stretch myself a little...I want you all to let me know if I'm doing that or staying too safe!