Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Just to catch you up to date.
I went to pick up my pieces at the Chesterton Womens Show and found out Koi had SOLD. That was a nice surprise! That is the piece I won the BEST OF SHOW with.

So I hung a show at SOUTHSHORE ARTS GALLERY in Michigan City, Indiana for the SUMMER OF ART show that lasts for the month of July. It encompasses the entire county, so I hope I can sell some more pieces.

I also hung a show called "WHEN ATTITUDE BECOMES FORM" with 18 Artists at the CHESTERTON ART GALLERY in Chesterton, Indiana. This show will be for the month of July also. I will show you the two pieces I entered and what I had to say about these pieces.

The Forbidden Fruit

Dawn Fetty

Tension, conflict, chaos; as the young girl studies the forbidden fruit her attitude becomes form. Her feelings towards the forbidden fruit are conflicting in her pursuit of happiness. Her goal is one of peace, however she realizes there are different feelings that she needs to contend with.

Her eye is focused on the forbidden fruit…the golden ring…this ring becomes a part of her and almost enslaves her and yet she strives for peace within…she reaches out of this enslavement towards the oriental sign for “peace” as she struggles.

44x35 acrylic $999.00

Crazy Red Head

Dawn Fetty

Her attitude is cavalier….so she has flaming red hair, bright colored clothes and an attitude. She doesn’t even care if she’s a little on the eccentric side. Life is worth living and expressing the joy she holds within.

Life is a celebration for her and she is always living as if she’s in a Mardi Gras festival.

Her attitude creates the visual world she lives in.

Mixed Media on paper 33x26 $900.00


  1. A nice piece. I can see it hanging in a mammogram center.

  2. Yeah! I way toned down that area and added some more blocks...funny....it was the focal point!!
