Monday, September 9, 2013

Michigan City LakeSide Arts Festival Aug. 2013

I was asked to participate in the Michigan City LakeSide Arts Fair this year through Southern Shores ARt Gallery in Michigan City.  This was something I'd looked at since I had requests to participate in the past but after looking into I determined that I would have to invest in at least $2000.00 to do it correctly.  Not something I wanted to do.  So when SSA asked and said they had the equipment I felt it was a great opportunity for me to tip my feet in the water!

I loved seeing everyone and talking to people at the fair.  But....NO SALES!  I would have somewhat expected that as my art is not 100% mainstream. was a very good experience...and now I know.

In getting ready for the fair I pulled out old studies I'd done and tried to rework them...Here's one that I have never been crazy about, but started it because I'd never done anything like it.  The building is a building on the grounds of the Piti Palace in Florence....I added the girl from an old masters painting...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dawn, I know all about that no sales stuff. One solution is to tape drugs to back of painting. The crowd you attract don't really seem like art appreciators but they can learn can't they.
