Sunday, February 21, 2010

My attempt at Abstract-Representational

It's been fun just playing around with a paintings the last several cold winter months. I have found that I could just totally close off the world around me. I feel like I don't need food, friends or to even leave the house for any reason. Just staying in my studio listening to music and painting is all I need. Maybe it's my escape from the grey cold windy atmosphere that seems to be the norm. I wonder if I will emerge like a caterpillar in the spring when the sun shows itself once again.

I started this painting of Koi and just didn't like it. Then I just decided I needed to go beyond myself and just play with the piece and make an attempt at surreal. I must say I had fun with it.

I run downstairs and place it on the mantel...stand back in the kitchen...and study it... Normally most people do this in the studio...however my studio is the size of most peoples closet. This ritual goes on possibly 20 times a day. I guess that is one way to get your exercise!

So, as I post this....I will probably see something else that needs to be done. But......hey...that's normal for me. I once remembered a story of (I think it was Monet???) that Monet would sneak into the galleries that hung his paintings and would do minor changes.

Wow! Now I can see my marks are not as I said....back to the least another 20 more times...


  1. i love the direction you are going with this painting! I hope you don't forget us friends but I am so happy to see you growing in your art!

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