Monday, July 30, 2007

Here's my latest....the painting that drives me crazy! I have been done with the painting at least a dozen times and am still not satisfied. Like a child that grows up and is ready to be on it's own (even when the parent isn't), I have to let it go. With that said, I'm putting this out there for some feed back.

Most of my paintings are personal and I become consumed in every detail (a perfectionist with every shadow, as to recreate the vision in my head), so occasionally I'll do flowers.

I would really appreciate some feed back.......Let it go or work on it some more???

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

CHEERS to my friend and Author of "One of the Best Things"

Congratulations Sheri Doyle on your new book and your up-and- coming series of articles for More on wine tasting! Sheri has always been so talented but it's all coming to full bloom.

Now out "One of the Best Things" is available through I have read this book and testify that it is one of those books that hooks you. It's impossible to put it down until you've finished it all. It is a very moving book of a young girl named Sunni and what she endures and overcomes. As Sheri states"It is a reminder of the strength of the human ability and the miraculous changes possible if we are given a chance."

The series of articles for More should be very informative for us women and about women in the wine industry. I can attest that since Sheri has been living in Italy the past year she absolutely knows her wines!
You can also visit her on her blog,

Sheri, I'm glad to know you. Remember me when you get on Oprah!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
48 Here is a site for anyone interested in anything altered or collage. They will notify you of metings in your area of any workshops or meetings pertaining to Artist Trading Cards, Collage, Altered anything, etc. I just signed in. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good day! Just wanted to put some more examples of the Altered Books for you. I think this one is so whimsy! There are countless possibilities with old books.

I hope you join in with us and create and share your own altered book. Below are the dates that the project will be due. I think we said Sept. 1st.

Have fun!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

Our Next Project

There are numerous books out there about Altered Art. If you want more on the subject for this project check out the books section.

Altered Books

Our next challenge will be Altered Books. For those of you who are not familiar with this type of art it means to take an old book and alter it. Turn it into your own. Paint the pages, add your own pictures, make little holes that you can put things in...the creative process for this type of art is endless!!!
The project is due Sept. 1st. I will post the pictures on the 5th. Just take a digital picture or pictures of the book and e-mail it to me with your name if you want it posted with a comment about the experience.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Artist Trading Cards Project "Find It In One's Heart"

This one was a little personal. It's a quick sketch of me after my first show at 18 Artists and the paper says:Find It In Your Heart; What does that mean to me? What do I want to find in my heart? Right now - I want to find a universal language so that I can say something with my art. I've been searching since school years ago. "Do not be troubled for a language, cultivate your soul & she will show herself". by E. Delacrois on finding style. So I guess I need to cultivate my soul and heart. I want to find courage and strength to do things that haven't been done - or to just go outside my personal box. To have courage to be a little different. Cultivate my soul***How do I do that? Find it in one's heart!

I love Sheri's Artist Trading card because it carries some deep feelings like her determination to accomplish the challenges in her life.

For those of you who are not familiar with Artist Trading Cards there are books on the subject in your bookstore or go on line. They are small pieces of art that artists use to trade with one another.

Artist Trading Cards

As promised we are posting the Artist Trading cards that Sheri and I have worked on. I must say it is a bit of a challenge as I am use to large canvases and for anyone working 2 1/2 x 3 1/2" is not easy. I say I am envious of Sheri's as it turned out so well!!! You can tell I struggled with the idea since I made several and was never happy with any of them.

We will be posting our next challenge and we encourage anyone willing to participate. We decided it would be some type of Altered Art. If your not familiar with the term just key it in on your computer or go to your book store. It's taking an every day object (used) and turning it into a piece of art. We haven't decided yet on what type of object yet. It could be books, shoes, clothes, etc.

If your interested in participating then e-mail me. The buttons on the right side of the site.