OMG!!! I watched
"Exit Through the Gift Shop" yesterday and found it quite amusing! I have to say for all my artist friends this you will find interesting.
Its a TRUE documentary about this man who was from France and ran a vintage clothing store in Los Angeles. He started filming everything out of an obsession. He had tons of tapes and never did anything with them...but then he started filming Street Artists doing their thing at night in hiding. I was intrigued by the devotion of these Street Artists and how talented and famous some of them were. And I can summize that some had very comfortable means. Anyway he's filming =the street artists and befriends the famous BANKSY and Thierry (later known as Mr. Brainwash) tells them he's going to do a documentary on them, which he never did.
So when one of the Street Artists found out all the footage he did of them was just sitting around he told Mr. Brainwash to start doing Street Art and do a show. He had no idea.
Mr. Brainwash was NOT an artist of paint..and yet he produced (like Andy Wharhol) type art, put on a BIG show and became FAMOUS overnight. He sold MILLIONS of dollars ; in my opinion NON ART.
I think the things here to discuss is this. He was either stupid or brilliant enough to attempt it and limitations NEVER got in his way. What is ART???? Are most of these famous people only famous because of the media hype that has been given to them. In other words were they,are we all brainwashed into thinking they were all that?
I have been to a LOT of galleries as the rest of you and I'm sure you've said the same thing to yourself....hugh???? Why??? Am I missing something here? Some works are fabulous and you know there is skill or a very brilliant thought involved...and some you just think....???????
I have always believed that there are a lot of people who are like ants...just going along with the flow of other ants. Never really thinking for themselves. I am horrified at the thought of being an art, and yet I guess I am to some extent. I think the ant mentality runs through politics, religion, and most aspects of life. If someone tells us something is great....it's easier to believe them to really THINK and question it for ourselves.
Which leads me to this. A lot of people think it's bad to have an opinion...because we've been taught not to question. Well, I LIKE people who can think for themselves and have an opinion. In fact I like people who have different opinions than myself, because then I can talk to them and maybe learn something from a different perspective than I would have otherwise...and visa versa.
Mr. Brainwash...picked out his name correctly... check out the movie! It's TRUE!
picture from Rotten Tomotoes by Flixster